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boostsrl is a Python wrapper for BoostSRL to help automate learning and inference tasks.

Getting Started


  • Java 1.8
  • Python (2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6)
  • subprocess32 (if using Python 2.7: pip install subprocess32)
  • graphviz-0.8


  • The latest stable build can be installed with pip:

    $ pip install git+git://

Basic Usage

>>> from boostsrl import boostsrl

'''Step 1: Background Knowledge'''

# Sample data is built in from the 'Toy Cancer' Dataset, retrieve it with example_data
>>> bk = boostsrl.example_data('background')

# Create the background knowledge or 'Modes,' where 'cancer' is the target we want to predict.
>>> background = boostsrl.modes(bk, ['cancer'], useStdLogicVariables=True, treeDepth=4, nodeSize=2, numOfClauses=8)

'''Step 2: Training a Model'''

# Retrieve the positives, negatives, and facts.
>>> train_pos = boostsrl.example_data('train_pos')
>>> train_neg = boostsrl.example_data('train_neg')
>>> train_facts = boostsrl.example_data('train_facts')

# Train a model using this data:
>>> model = boostsrl.train(background, train_pos, train_neg, train_facts)

# How many seconds did training take?
>>> model.traintime()

'''Step 3: Test Model on New Data'''

# Retrieve the positives, negatives, and facts.
>>> test_pos = boostsrl.example_data('test_pos')
>>> test_neg = boostsrl.example_data('test_neg')
>>> test_facts = boostsrl.example_data('test_facts')

# Test the data
>>> results = boostsrl.test(model, test_pos, test_neg, test_facts)

'''Step 4: Observe Performance'''

# To see the overall performance of the model on test data:
>>> results.summarize_results()
{'CLL': '-0.223184', 'F1': '1.000000', 'Recall': '1.000000', 'Precision': '1.000000,0.500', 'AUC ROC': '1.000000', 'AUC PR': '1.000000'}

# To see probabilities for individual test examples:
>>> results.inference_results('cancer')
{'!cancer(Watson)': 0.6924179024024251, 'cancer(Xena)': 0.8807961917687174, '!cancer(Voldemort)': 0.6924179024024251, 'cancer(Yoda)': 0.8807961917687174, 'cancer(Zod)': 0.8807961917687174}


Please refer to for documentation on submitting issues and pull requests.


We use SemVer for versioning. See Releases for all stable versions that are available.


  • Professor Sriraam Natarajan
  • Members of StARLinG Lab